Your Daily Dose of Storytelling for Sep 25, 2024

**Ever wonder why some conversations leave a lasting impact, while others fade into the background?**

Here’s the trick: *Add a plot twist.* People love surprises. When something unexpected happens in a story, it triggers dopamine in the brain–making the moment more memorable. Neuroscientists have found that when we experience a surprise, it activates the brain’s reward system, making us more engaged and likely to remember the details.

**Try this storytelling hack**: Next time you’re sharing a story, throw in a small, unexpected twist. Instead of saying, “The meeting went well,” try, “We thought the meeting was going to be a disaster… until one comment changed everything.” That element of surprise keeps people curious and leaning in.

**Your action step**: Think about a story you’ll share today. Add a twist–something that shifts the narrative in an unexpected direction. Watch how it grabs attention and makes your story *stick*.

Ready to make your stories more memorable? Use a plot twist to keep your audience hooked and leave them thinking about your message long after the conversation ends.

#StorytellingTips #EffectiveCommunication #BusinessStorytelling #PublicSpeaking #PlotTwist #Engagement #Leadership