Your Daily Dose of Storytelling for Sep 28, 2024

**What’s the fastest way to make your audience *care* about what you’re saying?**

*Ask a question.*

Not just any question–something that makes them stop and think. When you ask a question, you invite the other person into the conversation. It’s no longer just you talking *at* them; now, they’re mentally participating. Studies in neuroscience show that questions activate the brain’s curiosity centers, making people more engaged and *invested* in finding the answer.

**Storytelling hack**: Start your next presentation, meeting, or conversation with a question that connects to your core message. For example, instead of launching into a list of stats, try: “What’s the one thing you wish you could improve in your daily routine?” This not only grabs attention but also opens the door for a story that answers the question.

**Your action step**: Think about an upcoming conversation or presentation. What’s one *compelling* question you can ask that ties into your message? Use it to kick off your story and watch how it pulls people in.

Ready to make your storytelling more interactive? Start with a question, and let curiosity do the heavy lifting.
