Your Daily Dose of Storytelling for Oct 22, 2024

*What’s the one thing every great meeting, pitch, or conversation has in common?*


When you make people *feel* something, they remember you–and your message. Simply put: **facts tell, but stories sell** whether you’re selling a product, an idea, or even yourself.

But here’s the thing… people don’t always remember facts. (*A study by Stanford’s Graduate School of Business* found that only **5%** of listeners remember individual statistics after a presentation.) You know what they *do* remember? **Stories**. A whopping **63%** of people remember a story that holds emotion.

So how do you create that feeling?
By layering in *conflict* and *resolution.*

[?] **Action step**: The next time you tell a story–whether it’s in a Zoom meeting or a chat with your team–*build tension* before you deliver the resolution. Let’s say you’re explaining a project that didn’t go as planned:

Instead of:
_”We had a tight deadline, and everything went smoothly in the end.”_

Try this:
_”We had a tight deadline, and just two days before launch, our entire system crashed.